
Archive for April 18th, 2011|Daily archive page

Video-Sonia has Neo Nazi roots says Swami

In a word with you, Analyst talk, India news on April 18, 2011 at 10:29 am

Sonia is not her name.What else we dont know?

Sonia is not her real name, says Swami who starts to explain how the name given is to divert unpleasant origins of her family with Neo Nazi roots as a Collaborationist.

Swami’s salvos raise many disturbing questions about the propriety of this foriegner in being given a free run of the place, which has 1.2 billion people among whom some demented folk can choose nor find one better Indian as an alternative.

Videostory- Malaysia-A Hindu Temple demolished every 3 weeks since 2005…where are our big mouth secularists?

In Crime and human story, hinduism news, India news on April 18, 2011 at 7:58 am

A Hindu Temple demolished every 3 weeks....Where did the big mouth secularists go?

Malaysia-A Hindu Temple demolished every 3 weeks since 2005…where are our secularists?


The growing Islamization in Malaysia is a cause for concern to many Malaysians who follow minority religions such as Hinduism.[128] On May 11, 2006, armed city hall officers from Kuala Lumpur forcefully demolished part of a 60-year-old suburban temple that serves more than 1,000 Hindus. The “Hindu Rights Action Force”, a coalition of several NGO’s, have protested these demolitions by lodging complaints with the Malaysian Prime Minister.[129] Many Hindu advocacy groups have protested what they allege is a systematic plan of temple cleansing in Malaysia. The official reason given by the Malaysian government has been that the temples were built “illegally”. However, several of the temples are centuries old.

Malaysian Muslims have also grown more anti-Hindu over the years. In response to the proposed construction of a temple in Selangor, Muslims chopped off the head of a cow to protest, with leaders saying there would be blood if a temple was constructed in Shah Alam.[131]
Laws in the country, especially those concerning religious identity, are generally slanted towards compulsion into converting to Islam

According to a lawyer for the Hindu Rights Action Task Force, a Hindu temple is demolished in Malaysia once every three weeks.[130


IPS reports as early as 2006-

KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 1 (IPS) – “Why do they have to tear down our temples,” asked A. Kanagamah, a hospital worker. Tears streamed down her cheeks as city hall workers, protected by police in riot gear, demolished a 107-year-old Hindu temple in the city mid-May.
Hundreds of worshippers watched in horror as the workers, mostly Muslims, brought down the roof, pushed down the walls and smashed the deities that immigrant Indian workers had brought with them from South India to provide solace in a strange new land.
“We are poor and our only comfort is our temples and now we are losing that also,” Kanagamah said in Tamil, the language spoken by ethnic Indians who form eight percent of Malaysia’s 26 million people and mostly follow Hinduism….
Over the years, local authorities have been regularly demolishing temples saying the structures were built illegally. Most were small wayside shrines.
However, in recent years, several large 100-year-old temples, built during the British colonial era, were demolished not just because they stood in the way of development but simply because they were classified as “illegal structures.”
It is now a common sight to see bulldozers reducing large temples to rubble and workers to smashing deities before the eyes of helpless worshippers.
“The demolitions are indiscriminate, unlawful and against all constitutional guarantees of freedom of worship,” human rights lawyer P. Uthayakumar told IPS.
He said temples are demolished by the local authorities as illegal structures but the same authorities make it impossible for devotees to get a permit.
He cited the case of a Catholic church in nearby Shah Alam city which got a permit to build a church after 30 years of trying. “What does this say about freedom of worship?” he asked….
It says that it doesn’t exist. It says that Muslim authorities are still operating according to the classic provision of the dhimmi laws, that non-Muslims must not build new houses of worship or repair old ones. If they can’t get away with that outright because of Constitutional window dressing about freedom of worship, put in no doubt to befuddle easily befuddled Western human rights watchers, then they drag their feet interminably about issuing permits.

Video-The perfect Storm sweeps Okhlahama, Libya Heavy shellings at Misrata,Cuba Senile Commies grope change

In Libya live video feeds and Updates, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Nature and Environment on April 18, 2011 at 6:53 am

The Perfect Storm

US twisters claim more lives in the south

Apr 17, 2011 | 6,912 views

More tornadoes and ferocious storms have swept through southern states of the USA taking the number of dead over the last three days to more than 20.

The storms claimed lives in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and North Carolina, with major damage to property and several injuries in South Carolina and Texas too.

Some of those who endured the onslaught said the winds sounded like an express train passing by.

Evacuees speak of horror of Misrata

Apr 17, 2011 | 266 views

The misery of Misrata continues with no relief in sight, although the Libyan rebels say they are making progress along the coast road leading west to Brega.

There Gaddafi loyalists have taken up positions inside houses within the town to gain protection from air strikes, while the rebels are in exposed positions around the town. They are also subjected to daily bombardments on the road linking Brega to Ajdabiyah, from where their supplies arrive.

Cuban Commies grope with Changing Times

Raul Castro calls for change at the top in Cuba

Apr 17, 2011 | 685 views

The Cuban communist party is holding its first congress in 14 years, the first without Fidel Castro, and one that is indicating his brother Raul’s determination to rejuvenate the party.

The Congress will formalise Raul’s leadership of the country, but the party leadership is set for a shake-up.

“We have arrived at the conclusion that it would be best to limit political and state positions to a maximum of two consecutive five-year terms,” he said.

That is 10 years for old boy Raul….some change that.