
Archive for the ‘La Amerika’ Category

Fallujah Has Fallen to Al-Qaeda

In Global terror, La Amerika, terror tora tora, world that matters on January 24, 2014 at 6:36 am

Published on 23 Jan 2014
U.S. forces are sending weapons to arm Iraqi attack helicopters in an all-out war against Al-Qaeda

Time to call a duck a duck-Netanyahu, China-Oppression at Tibet

In China Town, Crime and human story, Culture, Global terror, Iran, Israel and Jews, La Amerika on March 9, 2012 at 6:35 am

Published on Mar 5, 2012 by AssociatedPress
Israel’s prime minister is vigorously asserting his country’s right to defend itself against an Iranian nuclear threat. Benjamin Netanyahu’s tough talk suggests he would attack Iranian nuclear facilities if he thinks Israel needs to do that. (March 5)

Uploaded by NTDTV on Mar 8, 2012
Twenty-five Tibetans have now set themselves on fire since March of last year, protesting what some call Communist Party violations of their rights. Many focus on the limitations that Party authorities place on their freedom to practice religion, and especially to pay respects to the Dalai Lama.

Yet, according to some Chinese authorities, the problems Tibetan protestors complain about are non-existent, unimportant, or, perhaps, simply a smokescreen for dark political motives. It’s an interpretation that very few in the world outside of China believe, yet seems to be common among Party members who speak on the issue.

Even as Party authorities put a lockdown in place in the Aba prefecture of Sichuan province, where the most Tibetan self-immolations have occurred, they held a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday, aiming to discredit the protest movement. Aba prefecture’s administrative head, Wu Zegang, called the protestors “outcasts” and “criminals”.

He also indicated that the painful deaths were part of a plot to split up China, and suggested that they were induced by cash payments from the Dalai Lama.

Meanwhile, Sichuan Communist Party Secretary Liu Qibao shared his view that “public complaints about cultural repression do not exist.” Despite the dozens of people giving their lives to protest the Party regime of which he is a part, Liu did not see any conflict in the area, claiming that “on the contrary, Tibetan culture is flourishing.”

Published on Feb 27, 2012 by AssociatedPress
Newark Liberty Airport was briefly shut down after a commercial passenger plane with hydraulic problems made an emergency landing. The United Express Flight 5124 flew to Newark from Atlanta. There were no reports of injuries. (Feb. 27)

Mars probe, Syrian Crisis, New Zealand returns Centre Right PM with landslide victory

In Adventure, Analyst talk, La Amerika, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Strange new world, Video Stream-Middle East Uprising on November 26, 2011 at 3:12 pm

Destination Mars- Probe will look for past or present life forms and traces of bio-molecules. Information that could pave the way for martian colonies in future

NASA to launch new Mars rover

AlJazeeraEnglish | Nov 26, 2011 | 566 views

NASA will launch its latest Mars rover, Curiosity, on Saturday.

It is the agency’s most ambitious mission yet to discover if life ever existed on the red planet.

The Rover lands next August and will spend two years studying the planet.

Al Jazeera’s Tom Ackerman has more.

Syria under pressure as Arab deadline expires

Euronews | Nov 25, 2011 | 448 views

As its crackdown on protesters continues, Syria has until the end of the day to sign an Arab deal letting monitors into the country or it could incur sanctions.

The Arab League deadline has officially expired but a source said the door would be left open to Damascus for a few extra hours.

The day after dozens were reported killed, amid an overall death toll of 3,500 according to the UN, the latest amateur footage appears to show no let-up in the onslaught

New Zealand government eyes landslide as polls close

Euronews | Nov 26, 2011 | 99 views

New Zealand’s prime minister looks to be heading back into government with a landslide win after voting closed in the country’s general election.

Exit polls are not allowed but John Key’s centre-right National Party could get an historic outright majority if surveys before the ballot are mirrored in the vote.

All of which bodes badly for Labour leader Phil Goff, hopeful to the last that his party would stage a late recovery.

Pakistan torn to shreds- Congressmen batter Pak Policy

In a word with you, Analyst talk, Global terror, Ground zero defilement, La Amerika, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Pakistan, terror tora tora on November 23, 2011 at 5:52 pm

Pakistan Policy got battered by Republican wannbes at Presedential canditature debate

Published on Nov 22, 2011 by AssociatedPress

Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry are clashing over whether the United States should continue to provide more than $1 billion in aid to Pakistan. (Nov. 22)

Pak Policy Bash by Republicans

(Reuters) – The Republican presidential hopefuls criticized U.S. policy toward Pakistan and called for placing sanctions on Iran’s central bank in a lively and substantive foreign policy debate on Tuesday.

Newt Gingrich, a former House of Representatives speaker, gave a composed performance in the first debate since he surged to the top of polls. He backed an overhaul in immigration policy that would include a guest-worker program similar to plans condemned by conservatives in the past.

The debate, the second on foreign policy in the last 10 days, featured sharp exchanges on a broad range of issues, including anti-terrorism laws, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Republicans ganged up on Pakistan and questioned whether the United States could trust it. Texas Governor Rick Perry called Pakistan unworthy of U.S. aid because it had not done enough to help fight al Qaeda.

“To write a check to countries that are clearly not representing American interests is nonsensical,” said Perry, who has faded in polls after recent debate stumbles but had a stronger performance on Tuesday.

Representative Michele Bachmann, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, called Perry “highly naive” and said the United States should demand more from a “violent and unstable” Pakistan with nuclear weapons.

She called it “a nation that lies, that does everything possible that you could imagine wrong. At the same time they do share intelligence data with us regarding al Qaeda.”

Raw Video: Obama Interrupted by Hecklers

AssociatedPress | Nov 22, 2011 | 19,536 views

During a campaign event in Manchester, New Hampshire Tuesday, President Barack Obama had to interrupt his remarks as protesters began chanting. (Nov. 22)
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Video flash- Egyptian insurgents blow up Gas Pipeline at Sinai, Alaska Super Storm

In a word with you, Afrika, China Town, Crime and human story, Global terror, La Amerika, Nature and Environment on November 10, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Militants blew up the Gas pipleine at Sinai supplying Jordan and Israel

Published on Nov 10, 2011 by AssociatedPress

Attackers set off explosives along a gas pipeline in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula that transports fuel to neighbouring Israel and Jordan early on Thursday, Egypt’s state news agency MENA reported. (Nov. 10)

Raw Video: Super Storm Batters Alaska’s Coast

From: AssociatedPress | Nov 9, 2011 | 2,210 views

One of the most powerful storms to hit western Alaska in nearly 40 years battered coastal communities Wednesday with snow and hurricane-force winds, forcing some residents to seek higher ground as it knocked out power and ripped up roofs. (Nov. 9

Raw Video: Deadly 5.7 Quake in Turkey

From: AssociatedPress | Nov 9, 2011 | 756 views

Turkish media reports say at least three people have been killed and more than 50 are trapped in the rubble of a hotel that collapsed after a 5.7-magnitude quake hit the province of Van, where hundreds died in a 7.2 earthquake last month. (Nov. 9)

Growing concern over China’s ‘disappeared’

From: AlJazeeraEnglish | Nov 10, 2011 | 302 views

Dozens of Chinese activists, lawyers, and bloggers have been victims of state-backed, extrajudicial detentions over the years, of which many have simply disappeared, not to be seen again for months.

Human Rights Watch says these disappearances are an alarming new trend which the government is refusing to address.

Many human rights organisations and activists are concerned that the country is currently working on a new draft of its criminal law that would make disappearances legal.

Al Jazeera’s Melissa Chan reports from Beijing