
Archive for April 20th, 2011|Daily archive page

Videoreport- Alien spacecraft crash lands in Siberia? UFO over Temple Mount analysed

In a word with you, Analyst talk, Space and Science on April 20, 2011 at 5:16 pm

Video shows the 'alien' supposedly left behind after crash landing

Did aliens leave behind someone?

Did an alien space craft crash land in the remote icy wastelands of Russian Siberia?

Originally posted in the Net, the story made its way mainstream.

The Jerusalem UFO appearance is now getting fully analysed.

As 4 video recordings from different angles, strangely depict no inconsistencies of whatever that was hovering above the Temple Mount’ Dome.

What is strange indeed that a certain ‘Monk’ like figure that creeps into the show and a ‘key’ and a cryptic message.

To understand the connect may be, we need to listen to James Bond.

For he was, Bond when the KGB was still running Russia.

Roger Moore anchors this documentary that connects the Pyramids and the ancients with a ‘god’ like alien super civilisation.

A peep into Russia’s secret UFO files in our next Video report.

Dont miss, stay tuned.


Videos-China’s quandry of Jasmine revolution, Conversions? Halleluiah can land you in prison

In China Town, Crime and human story on April 20, 2011 at 10:22 am

Chinese Dissidents Say Regime’s Crackdown Won’t Work

As calls mount for Ai Weiwei and other activists to be freed, the Chinese regime appears stubborn on stamping out any possible signs of dissent. Last week, a disabled activist became the first lawyer to be criminally detained in recent crackdowns. Dissidents say measures like these will only create more public dissent.

Chinese StudentsTurn to Anti-Censorship Software

NTDTV | Apr 15, 2011 | 206 views

Conversions ? Just Halleluiah would land you in Prison in China

Those who vilify India in spite of the free run and grave provocations to its Hindus could do well to peep at China and see how churches are slammed shut and congregations in open spaces can get you slapped with stiff sentences.