
Archive for April 24th, 2011|Daily archive page

Netanyahu takes your Call, Human Rights violations reported at Kever Yosef thanks to Oslo

In a word with you, Analyst talk, Israel and Jews on April 24, 2011 at 7:40 pm

Netanyahu takes your Call

Ask Netanyahu- Isreali PM takes call from People

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

(IsraelnationalnewsDotcom) Palestinian Authority Arabs set fire to Kever Yosef near Shechem Sunday morning several hours after PA policemen gunned down Jewish worshippers, killing one of them. Eyewitnesses saw smoke billowing over the tomb, which Arabs have frequently desecrated in the past.

The murder victim, 24-year-old Ben Yosef Chai, a nephew of Likud Minister Limor Livnat, is to be buried Sunday afternoon, several hours before the beginning of the last day of the seven-day Passover holiday Sunday evening.

PA police killed Livnat and wounded four others by opening fire on their cars after they prayed at Kever Yosef and were returning home.

The IDF and mainstream media reported the shooting spree as an “incident” and not an attack although the worshippers were known to the PA as frequent visitors to the holy site. Monthly visits are coordinated with the IDF, which hurriedly stated after Sunday’s murder that the victims of the PA police assault did not confirm their visit to the site with the military. The IDF called the shooting attack an “incident.”