
Archive for April 23rd, 2011|Daily archive page

Online Video Conference -Waytha Moorthy and Rama gopalan Speaks-Live now Auditorium, Atrocities Malalysian Hindu Minorities

In Uncategorized on April 23, 2011 at 12:53 pm

Streaming live video by Ustream

Syria bloodbath- 90 Protesters shot dead, Arab Intifada-Special Report

In a word with you, Analyst talk, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Video Stream-Middle East Uprising on April 23, 2011 at 8:24 am

Bloodbath at Homs- Syria, Bloody Friday

Syria bloodbath- 90 Protesters shot dead

Syrian protests on video
From: AlJazeeraEnglish | Apr 22, 2011 | 2,447 views
“Great Friday” has been the deadliest day of protests in Syria, with police responding to the tens of thousands of protesters with live bullets and tear gas.

Dozens were killed.

Here is some of the video footage of the demonstrations – and violence – across the country.

Al Jazeera’s Stephanie Dekker reports

Empire – The evolution of Arab revolutions
From: AlJazeeraEnglish | Apr 22, 2011 | 413 views
The Arab Spring is in full bloom. Peaceful uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt sparked a democratic tide that has swept across the region.

In Libya, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain, it is now a tale of two protests, with the situation deteriorating into widespread violence and outright war.

It seems some regimes will stop at nothing to resist change. So with no unified leadership or clear agenda, and with domestic complications in each and every country, is this truly a revolution? And if this is an Awakening — what path will it follow — that of Turkey? Of Iran? Or rather a third way, an Arab way. Empire finds out.