
Posts Tagged ‘tunisia’

Bangkok Deluge, Wahabi Crown Prince at Saudi Arabia, Enhada hails victory- Islamic “Revolution”

In a word with you, Analyst talk, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Nature and Environment, Video Stream-Middle East Uprising on October 28, 2011 at 9:37 am

Bangkok Deluge- the capital is being evacuated and waters almost everywhere

Coming hours decisive for Bangkok

From: Euronews | Oct 27, 2011 | 114 views

Flood barriers protecting Bangkok are almost overflowing and worries in the city are high that they could fail in the coming hours.

Thailand is suffering its worst flooding in half a century, triggered by unusually heavy monsoon rains which have already killed at least 373 people, and left 113,000 homeless with 720,000 needing medical attention.

Now the 12 million inhabitants of Bangkok have been told to flee, and make for high ground

Published on Oct 27, 2011 by Euronews The next in line to the throne in Saudi Arabia has been named as Interior Minister Prince Nayef.

It follows the death of the previous heir, Prince Sultan, Nayef’s brother who died a week ago.

Nayef is more conservative than the current king and is believed to have close ties to the Saudi religious establishment.

Islam-based Ennahda victorious in Tunisia election

From: Euronews | Oct 27, 2011 | 66 views

Tunisia’s Islamist Ennahda party has been confirmed as the winner of the country’s first free election following its revolution. The election commission said the party had won 90 seats in the 217-seat assembly.

Outside the Ennahda’s headquarters in the capital Tunis there were celebrations for the political group banned under Ben Ali’s regime.

Despite falling short of an absolute majority, Ennahda did win three times the amount of seats of its closest rival, secularist party Congress for the Republic

Islamists take over of Arab Uprising- Video report

In a word with you, Analyst talk, Crime and human story, Global terror, Human Rights, Libya live video feeds and Updates, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Strange new world, Video Stream-Middle East Uprising on October 26, 2011 at 7:08 am

Islamists are quickly capitalsiing on removal curbs in Post Mubarak Egypt and Post Gaddafi Libya. At Tunsia they have managed to gain Power raising concerns of secularists and liberals. Arab springs has proved the 'islamophobia' right with brazen turn to islamist rule bringing in Sharia into Governance and Intolerance in civil society as at Egypt.Here is a vdieo report

Creeping Sharia takes over Arab Uprising

Published on Oct 25, 2011 by Euronews

The new Libya is considering how it will live by Islamic Sharia law, which includes some traditional practices which some countries consider inhumane.

Many Westerners were among those horrified when this vision was voiced just days ago amid celebrations over the death of Colonel Gaddafi.

It was by no means the first time such a prospect was raised, when the chairman of the Libyan National Transitional Council, said: “We as a Muslim nation take Sharia as the basic source of law.”

Liberal West seems certainly at a loss to understand the impact and ramifications. Lets listen to this talkinghead.

Published on Oct 25, 2011 by Euronews

More democracy is bringing more political Islam in the countries of the Arab Spring.

The strong showing of Tunisia’s moderate Islamists in Sunday’s election and a promise by Libyan National Transitional Council leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil to uphold Sharia have highlighted the bigger role Islamists will play after the fall of the autocrats who opposed them.

To talk about Sharia law and the concerns it raises, euronews spoke to Islamic affairs specialist Eric Chaumont, of France’s National Centre for Scientific Research

Published on Oct 25, 2011 by Euronews

The man claiming unprecedented political legitimacy in Tunisia’s election is said to embrace humanist Islam, and not any extremist rejection of modern, Western, culture.

Ennahda party leader Rachid Ghanouchi, who has studied in universities in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Syria and at France’s Sorbonne, and has spent years in prison and in exile, must now prove he is a pluralist if he is to avoid alienating secularist voters

Now latest Speech shows its another Taqaiyya– calls it Revolution! islamic Revolutiuon that is.

Islam-based Ennahda victorious in Tunisia election

From: Euronews | Oct 27, 2011 | 66 views

Tunisia’s Islamist Ennahda party has been confirmed as the winner of the country’s first free election following its revolution. The election commission said the party had won 90 seats in the 217-seat assembly.

Outside the Ennahda’s headquarters in the capital Tunis there were celebrations for the political group banned under Ben Ali’s regime.

Despite falling short of an absolute majority, Ennahda did win three times the amount of seats of its closest rival, secularist party Congress for the Republic

At Egypt Islamist take over of the Uprising has lead anti-Zionist and anti Christian vicious and cyclical violence already.
The transition to Pluralist and Open society is naturally viewed with increasing alarm by Secularists there and world at large- as more Islamist groups and Islamist ideas get endorsed and put in lead.

Islamist Terror strike at Nairobi, Islamists wins Tunisian elections, Threat to U.S. Ambassador

In Crime and human story, Global terror, Human Rights, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Video Stream-Middle East Uprising on October 24, 2011 at 3:31 pm

Islamists blew up a grenade at a night club at nairobi, kennya injuring atleast 12 people, while at Tunisia Islamists won the elections raising concerns of observers and Tunisian secularists

Deadly Grenade attack at Nairobi

Published on Oct 24, 2011 by Euronews Kenyan police say an Islamist militant group may be behind a grenade attack on a nightclub in the capital, Nairobi.

At least a dozen people were hurt overnight when the explosive device was hurled into the bar by a man who reportedly fled the scene.

The blast comes just two days after the US embassy in Kenya warned of an “imminent threat” of a terrorist attack after Kenyan soldiers launched a campaign against Islamist al Shabaab rebels in southern Somalia.

Published on Oct 24, 2011 by Euronews

Moderate Islamists claim their party is set for victory in Tunisia’s historic first free election.

With counting now well underway, most forecasts point to the Ennahda party emerging with the biggest share of the vote, an outcome that worries secularists and could be replicated in other Arab states when they hold their own post-Arab Spring elections.

Turnout was more than 90 percent – a sign of people’s determination to exercise their new democratic rights, according to the election commission president, Kamel Jendoubi.

Published on Oct 24, 2011 by AssociatedPress

The U.S. has pulled its ambassador out of Syria over security concerns, blaming President Bashar Assad’s government for the threats. (Oct. 24)