
Posts Tagged ‘Temple Mount’

Bible tales wrong-Israeli archaeologists come with fresh evidence, Beyond Earth to outer Space

In a word with you, Israel and Jews, Live Stream Videos-Latest Reports, Nature and Environment, Space and Science, Strange new world on November 24, 2011 at 7:05 pm

Story of Herod and Jesus an impossible tale tells Archeological find.Temple not built by Herod in his lifetime.

Construction Completed After Herod’s Death

From: NTDTV | Nov 24, 2011 | 36 views

“The man usually credited with building the compound known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary is Herod, a Jewish ruler who died in 4 B.C. Herod’s monumental compound replaced and expanded a much older Jewish temple complex on the same site.

But archaeologists with the Israel Antiquities Authority now say diggers have found coins underneath the massive foundation stones of the compound’s Western Wall that were stamped by a Roman proconsul 20 years after Herod’s death.

This doesnt upset Jewish Faith and its wailing Wall since its the Temple’s last standing structure that they bewail.

It matters little if Herod completed it or some other or if the Wall itself was built later.

What is missed by anti-semites is the Hirod’s dating that makes complete nonesense of Hirod figuring in Jesus timeline and narrative.

So to the already known discrepancies of impossible dates that never matched Jesus story in New Testament bible with Roman-Jewish history or archeology comes this Finding of coins underneath the Temple’s western wall supposed by it to have been built by Herod!

What this means is that those coins minted 20 years later- confounds and blows as a Myth the whole Jesus timeline and story as incompatible with History and archeology.

In its story of ‘Jesus’-he was betrayed by for 6 pieces of silver.

Looks like the lies took just took 2 coins to be betrayed.

Come to think of generations hounded out based on such fickle stories built without history as killers of the Saviour..

-Aronite Thinking

In The Old City of Jerusalem an important archaeological discovery has been made. Archaeologists are now convinced that King Herod did not finish constructing the Temple Mount in his own lifetime. Our correspondent has more.

The common belief that the Roman king Herod built all of the Temple Mount is about to change.

On Wednesday, the Israeli Antiquities Authority held a news conference announcing that ancient artefacts, discovered under the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, show that construction of The Temple was not completed during King Herod’s lifetime.

The artefacts include coins dated to 16 in the Common Era, while King Herod is believed to have died 20 years earlier.

Uploaded by NTDTV on Nov 22, 2011

A new exhibition called “Beyond Planet Earth” gets underway at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The Expo showcases ideas on the future of space exploration. Our correspondents bring you the full story.

Returning to the moon, exploring asteroids, voyaging to mars, reaching the outer solar system and even beyond. These are issues presented by The American Museum of Natural history in New York, in it’s new expo “Beyond Planet Earth” that questions what is the future of space exploration.

[Jackson Tao, College student]:
“I have no idea”.

Dr. Michael Shara is curator in the Department of Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural history. He shares some of his ideas of what mankind will find out there in near future.

[Michael Shara, Curator, Department of Astrophysics]:
“I believe that in the coming 5, 10, 20 years we will send humans back to the moon. I’m certain that we will have commercial space exploration…We will certainly explore asteroids and learn how to nudge them, how to deflect them so that they wouldn’t run into earth… And I’m certain we will go Europa, look underneath it’s ice to see if there is life in it’s salty oceans. Finally, hundreds of years from now, I’m certain that we will leave this solar system and move outwards to the stars.”

And what about colonizing other planets and booking a flight to Mars? Some people on the streets of New York city already consider that mankind can soon expand it’s territory in to the solar system.

[Jackson Tao, College Student]:
“You might find that a planet may be suitable for life”

[Christiano Moura, Tourist]:
“In a few years people will be able to see other planets, to go there and to see how they are like”

And their guesses seem to be right.

[Michael Shara, Curator, Department of Astrophysics]:
“…we are almost certainly going to start terraforming Mars. Changing it into an Earthlike world. There’s going to be a real debate at that point and I strongly suspect that the people that are going to win that debate are the people who want to terraform Mars, turn it into an Earthlike world.”

The Beyond Planet Earth Expo opens on Saturday November 19th, presenting the past and present of space travel and our next steps in our solar system and beyond.

NTD News, New York

euronews science: Life in the Dead Sea

Published on Nov 24, 2011 by Euronews

The deepest point on the surface of Earth is the Dead Sea in Israel. Now a joint Israeli-German team of scientists has found several freshwater spring systems on the floor of the Dead Sea.

Their presence has been suspected for decades as concentric ripples on the surface of the water are visible near the shore, but it is only now been confirmed by divers.

30 metres under the surface, equipped with underwater cameras, the divers collected water samples from cracks in the sea floor and discovered cunknown micro-organisms.